Hollywood smile

Hollywood smile in Istanbul Turkey or Hollywood smile or Hollywood laugh has mobile and fixed types and uses zirconium and veneers and is done after cosmetic dentistry and dental implants in Turkey.

تقدم الفك السفلي mandibular advancement avancement mandibulaire avanzamento mandibolare avance mandibular Unterkiefervorschub

mandibular advancement

mandibular advancement mandibular advancement | The progression of the lower jaw is one of the most common problems that cause a lot of embarrassment for many people and can affect the function of chewing food and it affects everyone regardless of age, as it causes the lower jaw to protrude outward, which causes the lower

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Emax Emax-Installationen


Emax installations Emax installations | Dental implants are one of the important operations, whether for the cosmetic role of the teeth in showing a human smile or for its important functional role in nutrition. With the increased interest in repairing various dental problems , many dental implants made of veneers , ceramics , zircon  ,

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