beautification of the face

beautification of the face

Facial plastic surgery is one of the important cosmetic surgeries, as it expresses the beauty of the human being, and one of the most important facial plastic surgeries is the beautification of the eyes, eyelids, face-lift, nose, ear and teeth plastic surgery, and a facelift requires a skilled plastic surgeon.

تقدم الفك السفلي mandibular advancement avancement mandibulaire avanzamento mandibolare avance mandibular Unterkiefervorschub

mandibular advancement

mandibular advancement mandibular advancement | The progression of the lower jaw is one of the most common problems that cause a lot of embarrassment for many people and can affect the function of chewing food and it affects everyone regardless of age, as it causes the lower jaw to protrude outward, which causes the lower

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عمليات تجميل الجفون - Blepharoplasty - blépharoplastie blefaroplastica blefaroplastiaBlepharoplastik


Blepharoplasty Blepharoplasty is one of the plastic surgeries, and it is a very specialized field, as it is natural that the plastic surgeon has become more skilled in eyelid surgery , although these operations are performed by an eye doctor, but the surgeons have excelled in them. In these cases, the decision of the patient is

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