dental treatment turkey

Dental treatment Turkey has gained widespread popularity in recent years due to its high-quality services, experienced dental professionals, and cost-effectiveness. Patients from around the world are increasingly choosing Turkey as their preferred destination for various dental procedures, ranging from routine check-ups to complex treatments like dental implants and smile makeovers.


DENTAL implant


When teeth are lost or need to be removed due to shifting, dental implants provide a viable solution. Whether it’s for replacing a single tooth, multiple teeth, or an entire set, dental implants offer an effective remedy for these issues.

full mouth dental implants

full mouth dental implants

Full mouth dental implants refer to a comprehensive dental procedure aimed at replacing all missing teeth in the upper or lower jaw, or both, with implant-supported prosthetic teeth. This procedure restores the function and aesthetics of the entire mouth, providing a permanent solution for patients who have lost most or all of their teeth.

All-on-4 Dental Implants

All-on-4 Dental Implants

All-on-4 dental implants are a innovative solution for patients who require full arch tooth replacement. This technique involves the placement of four dental implants in strategic positions within the jawbone to support a complete set of prosthetic teeth. All-on-4 implants offer a secure and stable foundation for the replacement teeth, restoring both function and aesthetics to the patient’s smile.

All-on-6 Dental Implants
All-on-6 Dental Implants

All-on-6 Dental Implants

All-on-6 dental implants are a advanced dental solution for patients in need of full arch tooth replacement. This method involves the surgical placement of six dental implants in the jawbone to support a complete set of prosthetic teeth. All-on-6 implants offer a strong and durable foundation for the replacement teeth, providing patients with improved chewing ability, speech, and aesthetics.

3 on 6 dental implants

3 on 6 dental implants

3 on 6 dental implants, also known as “Three-on-Six” implants, are a dental restoration option that involves placing three dental implants on each arch to support a total of six prosthetic teeth. This treatment is designed for patients who have lost multiple teeth or require extensive dental work. The three implants are strategically positioned in the jawbone to provide stability and support for the replacement teeth. 3 on 6 dental implants offer a reliable and long-lasting solution for restoring function and aesthetics to the smile.

Immediate Implant Treatment

Immediate Implant Treatment

Immediate implant treatment refers to the placement of dental implants immediately after tooth extraction, without the need for a healing period. This approach allows patients to receive dental implants and replacement teeth in a single visit, minimizing the time without teeth and providing a quicker restoration of function and aesthetics. Immediate implant treatment can often be performed thanks to advancements in implant technology and techniques, offering patients a convenient and efficient solution for replacing missing teeth.

zygomatic implants

zygomatic implants

Zygomatic implants are a type of dental implant used in cases where traditional implants cannot be placed due to insufficient bone in the jaw. Instead of anchoring into the jawbone, zygomatic implants are anchored into the zygomatic bone, which is located in the cheekbone area. This innovative approach allows patients with severe bone loss in the upper jaw to still benefit from dental implants without the need for bone grafting procedures. Zygomatic implants provide a stable foundation for supporting dental prostheses, such as bridges or dentures, restoring function and aesthetics to the smile.

Zirconium Implant Treatment

Zirconium Implant Treatment

Zirconium implant treatment offers several benefits, including excellent aesthetics, long-term durability, and compatibility with the body’s tissues. Additionally, Turkey is renowned for its high-quality dental care at competitive prices, making it a popular destination for patients seeking zirconium implant treatment.

dental aesthetic turkey

dental aesthetic turkey

Dental aesthetic treatments in Turkey involve a range of procedures aimed at enhancing the appearance of the teeth and smile. These treatments may include teeth whitening, dental veneers, crowns, bridges, orthodontic treatments, and dental implants, among others.

Turkey has become a popular destination for dental aesthetic procedures due to its high-quality dental care, experienced dental professionals, state-of-the-art facilities, and competitive prices compared to many other countries. Patients often travel to Turkey to receive top-notch dental aesthetic treatments while enjoying the country’s rich culture, beautiful landscapes, and affordable travel options.


veneers in turkey

veneers in turkey

Veneers in Turkey refer to a popular dental procedure aimed at enhancing the appearance of teeth. Veneers are thin, custom-made shells made from tooth-colored materials like porcelain or composite resin. They are bonded to the front surface of teeth to improve their color, shape, size, or length, creating a more aesthetically pleasing smile.

emax laminate veneers

emax laminate veneers

Emax laminate veneers in Turkey are a popular choice for enhancing the appearance of teeth. Made from high-quality lithium disilicate ceramic, Emax veneers are known for their durability, strength, and lifelike appearance. These ultra-thin shells are custom-made to fit over the front surface of teeth, effectively covering imperfections such as discoloration, chips, cracks, or gaps.

Empress Veneers in Turkey

Empress Veneers in Turkey

Empress veneers in Turkey are a sought-after dental treatment for enhancing the aesthetics of smiles. Empress veneers are crafted from high-quality lithium disilicate ceramic, renowned for its strength, durability, and natural appearance. These thin shells are custom-made to cover the front surface of teeth, effectively concealing imperfections like discoloration, chips, cracks, or gaps.

Dental Crowns

Dental Crowns Turkey

Dental Crowns Turkey

Dental crowns in Turkey are a popular dental restoration option for restoring the shape, size, and strength of damaged or decayed teeth. These crowns, also known as caps, are custom-made to fit over the entire visible portion of a tooth, effectively restoring its appearance and functionality.

zirconium crowns

zirconium crowns

Zirconium crowns in Turkey offer a high-quality and durable dental restoration option for patients seeking to improve the appearance and functionality of their teeth. These crowns are made from zirconium oxide, a strong and biocompatible material known for its natural look and long-lasting results.

Porcelain Crowns

Porcelain Crowns

Metal porcelain crowns in Turkey offer a reliable and aesthetically pleasing solution for dental restoration. These crowns combine the strength of metal with the natural appearance of porcelain, providing durability and a lifelike appearance

Dental Bridges

Dental Bridges

Dental bridges are a restorative dental treatment designed to replace one or more missing teeth by bridging the gap between two healthy teeth or dental implants. They consist of one or more artificial teeth, known as pontics, which are anchored in place by dental crowns placed on the adjacent natural teeth or implants.

Cosmetic Dentistry Turkey

Smile Makeover

Smile Makeover

A smile makeover in Turkey involves a comprehensive dental treatment plan aimed at enhancing the appearance of a person’s smile. It typically combines various cosmetic and restorative dental procedures to address multiple dental imperfections and achieve a more aesthetically pleasing smile.

Teeth Whitening

Teeth Whitening

Teeth whitening is a cosmetic dental procedure aimed at lightening the color of the teeth and removing stains and discoloration. It is a popular treatment for enhancing the appearance of the smile by making the teeth appear brighter and more vibrant.

Composite Bonding

Composite Bonding

Composite bonding is a cosmetic dental procedure used to improve the appearance of teeth by repairing chipped, cracked, or discolored teeth, closing gaps between teeth, and reshaping teeth to enhance their aesthetics. It involves the application of a tooth-colored composite resin material directly onto the tooth surface.

Root Canal Treatment

Root Canal Treatment

Root canal treatment, also known as endodontic therapy, is a dental procedure aimed at treating infection or damage within the pulp of a tooth. The pulp is the innermost layer of the tooth that contains nerves, blood vessels, and connective tissue. When the pulp becomes infected or inflamed due to decay, trauma, or other factors, it can cause severe pain and lead to further dental problems if left untreated.

Tooth Fillings

Tooth Fillings

Tooth fillings are dental restorations used to repair teeth that have been damaged by decay or cavities. They restore the function, integrity, and appearance of the tooth by filling in the space left after the decayed or damaged portion of the tooth has been removed.

Inlay & Onlay

Inlay & Onlay

Inlay and onlay restorations are dental procedures used to repair damaged or decayed teeth, offering a conservative yet durable solution. They are custom-made prosthetics crafted from various materials like porcelain, composite resin, or gold to fit precisely into a cavity or onto the surface of a damaged tooth.


Gum Graft Surgery

Gum Graft Surgery

Gum graft surgery, also known as gingival grafting or periodontal plastic surgery, is a procedure performed to treat gum recession and improve the health and appearance of the gums. During the surgery, tissue is taken from another area of the mouth, typically the palate, and transplanted to the areas of gum recession.

Sinus Lifting in Turkey

Sinus Lifting in Turkey

Sinus lifting, also known as sinus augmentation or sinus elevation, is a surgical procedure performed to increase the amount of bone in the upper jaw in the area of the molars and premolars. This procedure is often necessary when there is insufficient bone height in the posterior maxilla (upper jaw) to support dental implants.

Tooth Extraction

Tooth Extraction

Tooth extraction is a dental procedure performed to remove a tooth from its socket in the jawbone. This procedure may be necessary for various reasons, including severe tooth decay, infection, trauma, crowding, or to prepare for orthodontic treatment.

The process typically begins with the administration of local anesthesia to numb the area around the tooth. In some cases, sedation or general anesthesia may be used, especially for complex or surgical extractions.

Conclusion of dental treatment turkey

Turkey boasts modern dental clinics equipped with state-of-the-art technology and facilities, ensuring patients receive top-notch care and treatment. Additionally, the country is home to highly skilled and internationally trained dentists who provide comprehensive dental services using advanced techniques and materials.

One of the key attractions of dental treatment in Turkey is its affordability. Compared to many Western countries, dental procedures in Turkey are significantly more budget-friendly without compromising on quality. This cost-effectiveness makes dental treatment in Turkey accessible to a broader range of patients seeking to enhance their oral health and aesthetics.

Furthermore, Turkey’s strategic location between Europe and Asia makes it easily accessible for international patients, with numerous direct flights connecting major cities to Istanbul, Ankara, and other popular dental tourism destinations. Additionally, many dental clinics in Turkey offer comprehensive packages that include airport transfers, accommodation, and local transportation, ensuring a seamless and hassle-free experience for patients traveling from abroad.

Overall, dental treatment in Turkey offers a compelling combination of high-quality care, affordability, and convenience, making it an attractive option for individuals seeking dental solutions tailored to their needs.

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