Blow on the nose after plastic surgery

Blow on the nose after plastic surgery

nose after plastic surgery

Blow on the nose after plastic surgery | Facial plastic surgery is one of the very important operations, the most important of which is rhinoplasty , which can completely change the appearance of the face, but what happens if you receive a blow to the nose after plastic surgery…!!!

Orthopedic or cartilaginous surgical work must be subject to great care after it is performed and even after the end of the recovery period. Restoration of the nose again, because the nasal septum or nasal passage may have returned to its old position.

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Rhinoplasty steps

Rhinoplasty is usually done for several reasons and not only for cosmetic purposes. It may include widening the respiratory chamber, as well as in order to correct a deviation of the pace or sculpt bony prominences, according to the following steps:

  • Discussing the person who requested plastic surgery about his seriousness and intention to perform a nose job.
  • Performing an x-ray of the nose to find out the bony situation so that it can be studied objectively.
  •  Laboratory tests required for blood.
  • Cardiovascular tests and blood pressure tests.
  • Choosing the type of anesthesia that suits the patient’s condition by the surgeon.
  • After anesthesia, the surgeon makes an incision along the length of the nose to expose the nasal bone, sphenoid and cartilage that make up the front of the nose in particular.
  • After exposing the bones and cartilage, the surgeon begins the cosmetic work, both in terms of correcting the position of the nasal septum.
  • Or removing part of it, sculpting the bone, or treating a defect in the nasal passage between the right and left breathing chambers.
  • In some cases, the grafts or bones are grafted with grafts from the same body or imported grafts.
  • In the event of a defect in the anchoring of the cartilage, hard plastic threads are implanted to prevent any defect in the texture of the nose.
  • After completing the rhinoplasty, the surgeon restores the skin of the nose to what it was in order to cover the bones and cartilage again.
  • The surgeon sews the incision that he made in the nose gel using the cosmetic stitches so that no trace remains, because the effect that may exist after the cosmetic operation will affect the beauty and luster of the face.
  • The time that a rhinoplasty surgery takes is usually from one to two hours, and sometimes it may extend to four hours depending on the nature of the cosmetic case.

Healing time from rhinoplasty

Before talking about the damages of a blow to the nose after plastic surgery, let us know the recovery period from rhinoplasty:

  • Rhinoplasty usually has a recovery period of one to two weeks.
  • The pain goes away after two to three days, but after a week the splint is removed from the nose.
  • Where the effects of plastic surgery remain from a tumor or blue spots for a period not exceeding a month.
  • But the two months following rhinoplasty are not without some minor pains, as well as light bleeding.
  • After those two months, some of the side effects of plastic surgery may last for a period ranging from six months to a year.
  • This is according to the thickness of the nose skin, as well as the wound-healing activity of the person who underwent the operation.
  • In general, following the advice and recommendations of the surgeon may shorten the recovery period as well as to maintain the success of rhinoplasty.
Blow on the nose after plastic surgery
Blow on the nose after plastic surgery

Disadvantages of a blow to the nose after plastic surgery

After any person has undergone a nose job, the surgeon will provide some advice and guidance to the patient regarding the safety of the operation, which he must strictly apply for a period of no less than two months, the most important of which are:

Avoiding any blow to the nose after plastic surgery, which would:

  • To make the cosmetic work that was performed a failure and need to be corrected and restored again.
  • Knowing that some light shocks, such as that which the nose is exposed to when prostrating in prayer, will help to restore strength to the nose successively.
  • Bleeds from the damage of a blow to the nose after plastic surgery during the first three months after the plastic surgery of the nose.
  • A blow to the nose after cosmetic surgery may expose the membranes lining the nose to the risk of severe infections because the healing period of membrane wounds is much longer than the period of healing of the outer skin.

Diet after rhinoplasty

After performing rhinoplasty, there are many tips and measures that the person who performed rhinoplasty must apply in order to preserve the safety and success of the operation. These dietary measures include:

On the first day after the plastic surgery:

  • The patient must increase water and fluids in order to expedite the washing of the body from the effects of anaesthesia.
  • The food allowed on the first day after rhinoplasty is only soups.
  • Such as chicken soup as well as lentil soup and others in order not to form any pressure in the jaw area.
  • And not to move the front of the nose, as well as the upper lip.

On the second day after plastic surgery until the fourteenth day:

  • Focus on foods that contain proteins.
  • Such as eggs, as well as milk, being rich in proteins, vitamins and minerals such as calcium and potassium, which help heal wounds.

General nutritional advice until full recovery:

  • The patient should eat soft or mashed food in order not to strain the jaws with their movements.
  • Because this puts pressure on the nose area, it may have many negatives on rhinoplasty.
  • Eat fruit juices, especially those containing vegetable fats such as avocado, orange and carrot juice.
  • Drink soothing drinks that improve the mood, such as hot chocolate, chamomile and anise.

Rhinoplasty, like other surgeries, requires a period of recovery during which caution is taken against any blow to the nose after the plastic surgery.

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