Abdominoplasty prices in Turkey

Abdominoplasty prices in Turkey

Abdominoplasty in Turkey

Abdominoplasty prices in Turkey | What are the best beauty centers in Istanbul, Turkey, for a tummy tuck , how much does a tummy tuck cost in Turkey, and what is the most important information that you should know about the prices of a tummy tuck in Turkey?

Abdominoplasty Abdominal surgery is one of the plastic surgeries that aims to remove excess skin in the abdomen and strengthen the abdominal muscles when there are large amounts of excess skin in a group of people, including postpartum women, people who lose weight significantly, and patients who They suffer from hernias, and in this article we will focus on talking about the prices of tummy tuck operations in Turkey.

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What is the difference between liposuction and tummy tuck in Turkey?

In the first paragraphs of our article, we will talk about the prices of tummy tuck operations in Turkey, about the difference between liposuction and tummy tuck, through the following points:

  • Abdominoplasty: Most people use a tummy tuck to remove excess skin from the abdomen, because excess skin after losing weight in the first pregnancy causes problems that cannot be fixed, neither with food nor with exercise.
  • There are different types of tummy tuck, either partial or complete, and both procedures require full anesthesia. In the process, sagging skin is completely removed and muscles are tightened.
  • The operation can take several hours and you will likely stay in the hospital for a few days, and you can return to your normal life after a few weeks.
  • Liposuction: Liposuction is the right solution if you are looking to remove small salaries and fats, which are usually found on the hips, thighs, buttocks or stomach area, and also aims to improve the appearance of the abdomen.
  • Liposuction removes body fat that is difficult to get rid of through exercise or following a strict diet.
  • When performing liposuction, the surgeon makes an incision in the skin, breaks up the fat cells and sucks them into the tube, unlike a tummy tuck, liposuction is not used to remove excess skin and will never eliminate stretch marks or tighten the abdominal muscles, only its function is liposuction. excess.
  • The liposuction process is better for people who already have abdominal muscles and there is no sagging in the skin, but they have a natural excess weight in the body.

Mini tummy tuck

In our article, we will talk about the prices of abdominoplasty operations in Turkey, about the mini-abdominoplasty, which is the safest, through the following points:

  • The mini-abdominoplasty is preferred because the recovery after it is fast due to the small incision scars, and in this process the fat in the waist and abdomen area is eliminated, and the excess skin below the navel is removed very successfully, and the tummy tuck is not performed in the area above the navel.
  • A small incision is made in the lower part of the abdomen if the surgeon deems it necessary, then the lax muscles are sutured sufficiently and in this way the lower part of the abdominal walls is tightened.
  • The mini abdominoplasty surgery continues and the excess part of the remaining skin is removed, and if there is looseness in the skin, the belly button is separated from the abdominal wall and the abdominal muscles will be tightened by sewing.

Total tummy tuck (Abdominoplasty prices in Turkey)

In our article, we will talk about the prices of tummy tuck operations in Turkey about the total tummy tuck, through the following points:

  • Performing a total tummy tuck for those under the age of eighteen is not appropriate, and fat removal is often used in the tummy tuck, which takes between two and a half hours as an average.
  • Total abdominoplasty, or also called fascial abdominoplasty, in which the skin is removed and a surgical incision is made from the hip bone to the hip bone, then the circumference of the skin and tissues is determined, the muscles are tightened, and the location of the navel is often adjusted, and it is done under complete anesthesia in a hospital and you may need to stay in the hospital under Observation for a day or two or more.

Method of tummy tuck in Turkey (Abdominoplasty prices in Turkey)

Surgical method (Abdominoplasty prices in Turkey)

Abdominoplasty is usually performed under general anesthesia, and lasts from one to five hours. These are the stages of the surgery:

  • Thoroughly sterilize the abdomen and make a horizontal incision from the pubic hair line. This incision penetrates all layers of the skin and below it and includes the muscles as well.
  • Separating the skin and tissues from the underlying tissue, and strengthening the abdominal muscles with special stitches.
  • Excess liposuction Excess fatty tissue is also removed and loose skin is trimmed.
  • Changing the position of the navel when performing a complete laparotomy and closing the wound by suturing the skin and tissues in a homogeneous and symmetrical manner and applying bandages.
  • The use of drainage tubes to help prevent the accumulation of fluid and blood inside the wound and remove excess from it.
  • The patient is monitored for several days after the operation before being discharged from the hospital, to ensure that bleeding is prevented or controlled.

Non-surgical methods (Abdominoplasty prices in Turkey)

In our article, we will talk about the prices of tummy tuck operations in Turkey about the non-surgical methods of tummy tuck surgery, through the following points:

  • Abdominoplasty without surgery is a surgical devices to tighten the tissues of the anterior abdominal wall, based on the targeted action of high-intensity ultrasound pulses that penetrate different layers of the skin and stimulate the synthesis of new collagen, promoting a lift at the level of the musculature.
  • The non-surgical tummy tuck machine, with the help of various devices and techniques, splits and destroys subcutaneous fat deposits by means of immediate skin tightening, improving metabolism and lymph flow.
  • Non-surgical abdominoplasty methods include massage, electrical stimulation, ultrasound, and hardware lipolysis.

Non-surgical method (laser) (Abdominoplasty prices in Turkey)

In our article, we will talk about the prices of abdominoplasty operations in Turkey, about the method of laser abdominoplasty, through the following points:

  • Laser abdominoplasty is a non-surgical method to remove blemishes, rejuvenate the skin and lift the skin of the abdomen using pulsed laser light, as the laser beams work on:
  • Remove sagging and massage the skin of the abdomen.
  • Remove stretch marks.
  • Improve tissue elasticity.
  • The results of a laser abdominoplasty are often similar to those of a surgical abdominoplasty, and a laser abdominoplasty is very effective.
  • Photothermal analysis is a method of laser skin tightening and is characterized by the following:
  • Tighten the abdomen and make it flat.
  • Safe and effective method on fiber.
  • Pigmentation hides like freckles, and wrinkles are smoothed.
  • It does not result in open wounds, and increases the production of collagen, which slows down the aging process of the skin.

Advantages of a tummy tuck in Turkey (Abdominoplasty prices in Turkey)

In our article, the prices of tummy tuck operations in Turkey, we will talk about the advantages of a tummy tuck in Turkey, through the following points:

  • One of the most important advantages of a tummy tuck is getting rid of body fat, especially from the abdominal area, tightening sagging skin, and restoring muscle strength after the lift.
  • Abdominoplasty helps to get a healthy and taut body, which increases the self-confidence of the person, especially women after childbirth.
  • As for the results of the operation, it may take some time to appear due to swelling in the abdomen and your inability to stand in the first post-operative phase, but the results will appear within two weeks, and thus the tumors may have been cured.

Complications resulting from a tummy tuck in Turkey

In our article, the prices of tummy tuck operations in Turkey, we will talk about the complications that result after a tummy tuck, through the following points:

  • Scarring: The tummy tuck is performed through a longitudinal surgical incision in the lower abdomen. This surgical incision may result in noticeable scarring if the person does not adhere to the doctor’s instructions during the recovery period. Scarring can also be avoided by the following:
  • Stop smoking because it impairs healing and prevents blood from reaching surgical incisions, causing poor wound healing.
  • Clean the surgical incisions permanently, and apply antibiotics to avoid contamination and infection, which affects the results.
  • Eat foods that promote healing and increase collagen production, such as healthy foods that contain vitamin C, calcium, and protein.
  • Applying creams to the cracks after they have healed in order to moisturize them.
  • Feeling of numbness: The feeling of numbness is one of the side effects that result from the tummy tuck, and it is one of the normal things that takes a period of time until the normal sensation of the skin returns, and the numbness can take place for a few days.
  • Swelling and bloating: After the tummy tuck, some swelling and bulges can be seen and felt in the surgical sites, and they disappear with the passage of time. To prevent complications from the operation and fluid retention, a corset should be worn to tighten the skin and reduce swelling, drink plenty of water to stimulate blood circulation, pay attention to emptying the fluid drainage tubes, and not eat food that It contains salt because it will increase bloating.
  • Lumps and bumps: After the tummy tuck, noticeable lumps can be seen in the abdomen as a result of the inconsistency of the results, and it is one of the complications of the tummy tuck that requires the intervention of the doctor. These lumps do not occur unless the operation is performed by a doctor who lacks the necessary expertise.

Abdominoplasty cost in Turkey

In our article, the prices of tummy tuck operations in Turkey, we will talk about the cost of a tummy tuck in Turkey, through the following points:

  • The cost of a tummy tuck depends on the type of techniques and type of anesthesia, as well as on the medical center where the operation is performed. The same doctor may perform the operation at a low cost in one center and a high cost in another.
  • On average, the operation costs between 2000 and 5000 US dollars.
  • The cost of tummy tuck operations in Turkey with non-surgical methods, such as laser, starts from 2000 USD, while surgical abdominoplasty operations require higher amounts, as they start from 3000 dollars, which can be increased according to the patient’s condition and the severity of the sagging, and it may decrease if the sagging is less.

in the end of Abdominoplasty prices in Turkey:

Therefore, we have talked in this article about the prices of tummy tuck operations in Turkey , and we have specialized in talking about the difference between liposuction and tummy tuck, mini tummy tuck, total tummy tuck, the method of tummy tuck by surgery and non-surgical methods such as laser, and the advantages of tummy tuck In Turkey, we talked about the complications that result from a tummy tuck, and the cost of a tummy tuck in general, especially in Turkey.

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