
Eyelid surgery in Turkey | Many people suffer with age from the signs of old age, which are represented in wrinkles, dark circles, and sagging eyelids. The recent medicine has not been unable to treat these problems and restore youth to the skin and face , so there are many cosmetic surgeries that solve the problems of wrinkles, sagging skin and neck, and great sagging of the eyelids. The ways and methods necessary to restore youth, which restores self-confidence and love of life, we will dedicate our article today about eyelid surgery in Turkey.

Types of eyelid surgery in Turkey

The upper and lower eyelid lift operation aims to restore the youthful appearance of the eye and remove the sagging in the eyelids as a result of aging. The process of eyelid tightening has several types, including:

Surgical eyelid lift

Eyelid lift surgery is characterized by the following:

  • It is a surgical operation that relies on making incisions either in the upper eyelid or in the lower eyelid to get rid of sagging and wrinkles in the eyelids and also helps to get rid of fatty bags and excess fatty tissue,
  • It is characterized by the duration of the result, which lasts as little as possible from five to ten years until the effects of sagging return again
  • It is characterized by its low cost compared to other types of eyelid lift operations.

Laser eyelid tightening

The laser eyelid lift procedure is characterized by the following:

  • Laser beams are shed on the wrinkles and sagging around the eyes by small devices designed to give the necessary laser beams in the place of the wrinkles only and do not spread to other organs
  • These rays produce energy and heat that stimulate collagen production, which fills the voids and thus hides and tightens wrinkles.
  • Laser eyelid tightening does not cause side effects except in the case of hypersensitivity to radiation.
  • It lasts from 20 to 30 minutes only and is characterized by its low cost compared to other methods of eyelid tightening.

Eyelid tightening with threads

Eyelid lift with threads is characterized by the following:

  • The eyelids are tightened using medical threads. These threads contain substances stimulating the production of collagen, which fills the voids and tightens sagging. Among the types of threads are golden cosmetic threads, which contain a percentage of gold.
  • The result continues after the procedure of eyelid lift with threads, according to the type of threads, and it is a maximum of 12 years.
  • Thread eyelid surgery does not cause any side effects, so it is considered one of the best possible options.

Eyelid tightening with fillers

The blepharoplasty technique is characterized by the following:

  • The sagging and wrinkles around the eyes are filled with filler, which is a group of materials that are mainly composed of hyaluronic acid and collagen, as these materials fill the voids and transgress the cavities in the eyes, thus stimulating the cells to divide, tighten the sagging and return the eyelids to their natural shape again.
  • The patient must rest and relax before the injection process, sleep enough hours, not take any kind of medication without consulting the doctor, and stay away from blood thinners and any reason that makes you nervous.
  • The process of eyelid tightening with fillers takes from 10 to 15 minutes and does not cause pain at all, only the place of the needle prick or some discomfort when the fluid moves under the skin, and in some cases where sensitivity is excessive, it is preferable to use local anesthesia.
Eyelid surgery in Turkey
Eyelid surgery in Turkey

Steps of eyelid surgery in Turkey (best blepharoplasty surgeon in turkey)

When performing an eyelid lift surgery, it must go through several steps, the most important of which are:

  • Tests: Like any surgical procedure, the eyelid lift operation must be preceded by several tests related to the health status of the body, whether or not it suffers from certain diseases or if it suffers from problems in the thyroid gland, and x-rays of the eye must be performed to ensure its safety and the absence of problems in it.
  • Anesthesia: As it is a surgical procedure, anesthesia is required so that the patient does not feel the pain of the operation. The anesthesia process varies according to the severity of the sagging and according to the doctor’s vision, it may require general anesthesia, medium anesthesia, or local anesthesia.
  • Procedure: The operation begins by making a surgical incision along the wrinkles of the upper eyelid in the case of the operation to tighten the upper eyelids, or an incision below the lower eyelash line in the case of the lower eyelid tightening. Excess fatty tissue, excess skin and bags that form in the eyelids with age are removed.
  • Hide the incisions: Here the doctor hides the updated incisions in a modern cosmetic way so that he completely hides the effects of the scars using soluble surgical threads alone.
  • It is recommended that the patient stay in the hospital for at least an hour after the operation, until the effects of the anesthesia are completely gone.

Advantages of eyelid surgery in Turkey (blepharoplasty turkey)

Eyelid surgery in Turkey has several advantages, the most important of which are

  • Eyelid surgery addresses many problems, the most important of which are:
  • It removes the excess fatty deposits in the eyelids that cause the eyelids to swell.
  • It treats vision problems as a result of drooping eyelids.
  • Getting rid of the drooping of the lower eyelid, which causes the whiteness of the eye to appear below the pupil.
  • It restores to the eye its youthful appearance and the beautiful luster it was before age.
  • Turkey is characterized by being one of the three most important countries in the world in the field of plastic surgery in general and eyelid surgery in particular, and is characterized by the high success rates of its operations.
  • It has medical centers equipped with the latest devices and modern equipment, as well as skilled and highly qualified doctors.
  • It is characterized by its low costs compared to the quality and success of its operations, if compared to the rest of European countries.
  • The Turkish state and government impose strict laws on hospitals and beauty centers to ensure that they provide the best results at the lowest costs.
  • Turkey is characterized by the ease and availability of translation services within medical centers and hospitals, which makes it easier for the patient to communicate with the treating medical staff and ensure the best results, and this is among the costs of the operation.
  • It is characterized by the presence of a high-level transport company and the best services, which ensures the patient is easy to move between Turkish cities and spend a tourist and medical trip at once.

Complications that result from eyelid surgery in Turkey

Despite the success of this type of operation, its positive effects, and the fact that it is a cosmetic that completely changes the shape of the eye, it may follow several complications, the most important of which are:

  • Infection: Infection is a natural thing that is expected to occur after any surgical procedure, as it can come from the surgical tools used or from the general atmosphere in the hospital, and it can be corrected by following up on the appropriate treatment for the infection prescribed by the doctor.
  • General anesthesia problems: Many people may suffer from an allergy to certain types of anesthetics, which may cause shortness of breath or suffocation at times, so it is necessary to know if the patient is allergic to certain types of anesthetics
  • Scars: It is normal for scars to appear after eyelid lift surgery. The skill and experience of the plastic surgeon plays an important role in masking the effects of scars significantly. It is recommended to use topical creams that contain aloe vera gel and vitamin E, which help reduce scars significantly.
  • Swelling: It is one of the most dangerous symptoms, as swelling greatly affects vision, but the swelling remains for several days and then goes away. The swelling can be relieved by applying compresses that greatly reduce swelling, but with attention so that the cracks do not rupture, and swelling can be reduced by keeping the head high.
  • Eye irritation: It occurs largely in laser eyelid surgery, as a result of shining laser beams on the eyes directly, but it does not last long and disappears after several days.
  • Difficulty closing the eyes: After the eyelid surgery, the patient may have difficulty closing the eyelids completely, as a result of changing their position and tightening the sagging in the eyelids, and this condition disappears after a short period of the operation so that the eye adapts to its new position.
  • Pain in the eye and poor vision: It can be avoided by using pain relievers that the doctor prescribes after the operation.

blepharoplasty cost turkey

The prices of eyelid lift operations vary according to its type and according to the medical center in which the operation is performed. The prices are also greatly affected by the doctor’s experience and the modernity of the devices used, as well as the health status for which the operation is performed and the extent of the eyelids sagging and are as follows:

  • The cost of eyelid lift surgery ranges from 1000 to 4000 US dollars.
  • The price of a laser eyelid surgery ranges from 1000 to 2000 US dollars.
  • The cost of eyelid lift surgery with fillers and Botox ranges from 1500 to 2500 US dollars.
Eyelid surgery in Turkey
blepharoplasty turkey

At the end of our article about eyelid lift surgery in Turkey , we will have explained the types of eyelid lift surgery, the steps of surgical eyelid lift procedure, the most important advantages of eyelid lift surgery in Turkey, and the most important complications that occur and their cost in medical centers and hospitals all over Turkey and best blepharoplasty surgeon in turkey.

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